Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

"Sometimes," said Pooh, "the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

25 days old and ready for Level II!!!

25 days old/days in the NICU
Weight: 3 lbs 3 oz (+ 2 ounces)

I haven't blogged about Ella in a few days because there have been no changes. She's been on 18 ml every 2 hours for a few days and they weren't making any changes. Today, they started her on the human milk fortifier again to see how her tummy handles it this time. Dr. Morozak (one of the Dr.'s I really like!) put her on it every other feeding to see if she handles it a bit better this time. 

We also had some very exciting news today. Ella is officially ready for a Level II NICU! We're HOPING to stay at Children's Hospital because we know the hospital and plus, they have lots of benefits that Abbott doesn't have like the Sibling Play Room, the $45 meal voucher every week for breastfeeding and private rooms. They are going to try to get us in there, and our NICU social worker said they'll have some beds opening up next week but if we can't get in there, we'll be transferring over to Abbott. Abbott will still have the same doctors, which was important to us and is also part of Allina, which is the medical system we decided to stay in. Regardless, soon we'll be in a Level II and we're well on our way to coming home. I'm SO READY for November to come so I can say "Ella will be home next month". I know, it's totally in my head, but I just want to be able to put it that way ha ha. 

Because I haven't blogged in a few days, I have lots of pictures to share so this is going to be a picture heavy post!! 


  1. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family :) The news about Ella is amazing and we are so excited for you here! :) I hope you can stay where you are and not have to go to the other hospital and lose some of the benefit that you have where you are.. :( XOXOX :)

  2. Jacqueline KilpatrickOctober 28, 2010 at 2:16 AM

    I just wanted to tell you that I am always thinking about you and little Ella! You are an amazing mother and you must have a lot of strength to be able to deal with everything that you do. Little Ella is beautiful, and I am always checking back day after day to see what her new weight is and how she's growing! Thank you for your blog and putting all your emotions and experiences out there! If you ever need to talk, feel free to contact me on facebook, Jacqueline Kilpatrick
